I gravitate towards teaching to the foundational poses of yoga. It’s important to me to lead a class that’s accessible to all fitness levels/body types/ages. In my class you can expect a slightly vigorous flow paired with an extended cooldown.
I discovered yoga a little late in life. I attended my first ever studio class in 2017 and almost immediately signed up for my first 200 hr teacher training shortly after. In addition to vinyasa I am also certified in hot, yin, and fitness/HIIT style classes.
Yoga is my therapy. My sanctuary. Yoga has been a HUGE factor in my sobriety journey as well. I gravitate towards teaching to the foundational poses of yoga. It’s important to me to lead a class that’s accessible to all fitness levels/body types/ages. In my class you can expect a slightly vigorous flow paired with an extended cooldown. No matter the class I always make time to end with the longest most relaxing svasana you could ask for